Sabtu, 20 April 2024

LPPI Berharap Presiden Jokowi Tunjuk Jenderal Dudung Jadi Panglima TNI

JAKARTA  – In the near future, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) will reappoint one of the three chiefs of staff to fill the position of TNI Commander after General Andika Perkasa retires in mid-December 2022. It is estimated that at the end of November or at least early December, the President will start preparing the names of the candidates for the TNI Commander in Chief to be submitted to the DPR RI for approval.

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It is known that the requirements to become TNI Commander are four-star high-ranking officers and have served as Army Chief of Staff (KSAD), Naval Chief of Staff (KSAL) and Air Force Chief of Staff (KSAU). And when viewed from the aspect of force rotation, KSAL is indeed the strongest candidate.

The reason is, Andika Perkasa comes from the Army after replacing Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto, the previous TNI Commander who came from the Air Force. Not surprisingly, many parties are favoring the current KSAL, Admiral Yudo Margono, who will continue Andika’s position as TNI Commander.

However, there are also many parties who consider that the rotation of the force is not the main factor in changing the position of the TNI Commander because the laws and regulations do not require it. Therefore, the name of KSAD General Dudung Abdurachman is now sticking out as a strong candidate for the number one position at TNI Headquarters Cilangkap.

Seperti dikemukakan oleh Lembaga Independen Pemuda Pemerhati Indonesia (LPPI), bahwa posisi Panglima TNI haruslah dipegang oleh figur yang memiliki pengalaman serta menyangkut kemampuan analisa kenegaraan dan cipta kondisi bagi pertahanan negara dan mampu menjaga kestabilan situasi politik nasional.

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Sehingga, sosok Jenderal Dudung Abdurachman dinilai sangat layak dan tepat untuk di angkat menjadi Panglima TNI, Ia dianggap mampu untuk memimpin TNI serta melaksanakan kebijakan pertahanan negara karena Dudung berprestasi, berpengalaman dan mampu berkolaborasi dengan seluruh stakeholder yang ada

“Pak Dudung adalah perwira TNI yang berprestasi dan selalu menjalakan  perintah Presiden Joko Widodo selama bertugas di posisi strategis, seperti membantu warga dalam peningkatan ketahanan pangan di Indonesia. Selain itu Jenderal Dudung akrab dengan ulama dan dekat dengan semua golongan,” ungkap Ketua Umum DPP LPPI Dedi Siregar dalam keterangan persnya, Minggu (25/9/2022).

Dedi juga melihat Jenderal Dudung Abdurachman sering terlihat melakukan terobosan – terobosan, salah satunya merekrut para santri menjadi prajurit TNI. Tak Cuma itu, Dudung juga menjadi Sosok Inspiratif  bagi kalangan muda karena perjalanan hidup seorang Loper Koran menjadi Jenderal. “Artinya, beliau menjadi motivasi bagi semua anak bangsa, khususnya pemuda untuk terus mengejar cita-citanya,” ujar Dedi.

On the other hand, Army Chief of Staff General Dudung also received the highest award, namely the “Combat Kagitingan Badge” from the Commander of the Philippine Army. In addition, Dudung’s career experience is also considered complete, having served as Governor of the Military Academy (Akmil), Commander of the Jaya Regional Military Command (Pangdam) and Commander of the Army Strategic Reserve Command (Pangkostrad).

“So on that basis, we who are members of the DPP LPPI Youth Organization consider that General TNI Dudung Abdurachman is worthy of consideration by President Joko Widodo as Commander of the TNI. We believe he is able to carry out the mandate, and can provide the best for the nation and state,” concluded Dedi. (CP)

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